Vitiligo symptoms include skin color loss in a range of body areas. Some instances of symmetrical parts affected on both sides include the left and right hands, or both knees. Some individuals have discoloration in their mouths, scalps, eyelashes, eyebrows, or hair.

What is Melanocyte Cell Transplantation?

The darker skin patch caused by vitiligo can be covered using a variety of vitiligo treatments in Lahore.


However many of these medical procedures don't have the desired effects. To harvest the proper cells for a tissue graft procedure, for instance, a sizable donor skin region is needed, which may not always be feasible.

Method for Transplanting Melanocyte Cells

The transplantation of melanocyte transplant treatment can be broken down into four steps:

Step 1: A Skin Graft's Harvest

The lateral aspect of the gluteal area is chosen for the initial surgery. A donor area is a name given to this chosen place. Making ensuring there are no vitiligo spots in the donor area is necessary. The recipient area should be one-tenth the size of this area. A larger donor area, which should be one-fifth the size of the recipient area, is chosen to be harvested if the patient has several spots on the skin that have spread across the skin. 

Step 2: Cell division

In this process, the removed skin cells are put in a petri dish with 5 ml of trypsin solution. For roughly 45 minutes, it is incubated at a temperature of 37 degrees.

Step 3: Skin resurfacing in the affected area

The recipient area's dermabrasion follows the preparation of the donor epidermis in the technique. Using a diamond fraise wheel, the recipient region is abraded. To prevent any eye harm, the area near the eye is abraded with a smaller wheel. When there is pinpoint bleeding in the recipient area, the abrasion process is finished. When hemostasis is accomplished, pieces of gauze soaked in saline are used to cover the recipient area.

Step 4: Transfer and fixing of suspension of melanocyte-rich cells

The donor area cells that were collected after the abrasion are applied with collagen dressing to help hold the cells in place after being uniformly distributed with a Pasteur pipette. Gauze pieces and liquid paraffin are used to coat it further. To ensure cell attachment, the best skin doctor in Lahore encourages patients to stay in the same position for at least an hour before being moved to another room. For at least six hours after treatment, patients are urged to refrain from making any vigorous movements, particularly in the vitiligo treatments in Lahore.

Important Benefits of Melanocyte Cell Transplantation

  • Some of the main benefits of undergoing this treatment are listed below.

  • The surgical site develops a wonderful texture that suits the patient's skin tone.

  • Better outcomes as compared to split-thickness and punch grafting

  • This technique allows for the operation of large areas in a single session.

  • In order to better conceal the region, the patient can start using cosmetics ten days after the dressing has been removed.

Location: 34 MM Alam Rd, behind Pizza Hut, Block B1 B-1 Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 54600, Pakistan


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